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2015-09-13 07:40:391 简介:菲利丝表妹-Cousin Phillis(英文版)
菲利丝表妹-Cousin Phillis(英文版):
Cousin Phillis, by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell - Akasha Classics, AkashaPublishing.Com - Elizabeth Gaskell-s celebrated story, Cousin Phillis, is an understated yet moving look at how our lives can entwine with those around us. Paul Manning is celebrating being independent for the first time in his life, with his new lodgings and a new job on the railroad. Out of an obligation to his mother he visits the Holmans, cousins who live nearby. He befriends Phillis - the shy, graceful daughter of the family - and introduces her to his coworker Holdsworth, thus affecting Phillis-s life in ways he could not have foreseen. A Victorian writer whose work often focused on the people who others ignored, Elizabeth Gaskell-s masterfully written prose continues to entertain today. This powerful novella, written when she had fully matured as a writer, has been called the most perfect story in English.
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