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2015-09-08 07:24:481 简介:冰岛渔夫-An Iceland Fisherman(英文版)
冰岛渔夫-An Iceland Fisherman(英文版): 《冰岛渔夫》是法国印象派大作家罗狄所有描写海洋的小说中最具代表性的一本。罗逖生於法国滨临大西洋的港埠罗西佛,幼时孤独,少年时便向往神秘的海洋和海洋彼岸的国家,於是进入了布勒斯特海军学校,任海军士官时,更曾数度航行世界各地,体验如何与海相处,因此与大海结下不解之绿。
The first appearance of Pierre Loti-s works, twenty years ago, caused a sensation throughout those circles wherein the creations of intellect and imagination are felt, studied, and discussed. The author was one who, with a power which no one had wielded before him, carried off his readers into exotic lands, and whose art, in appearance most simple, proved a genuine enchantment for the imagination. It was the time when M. Zola and his school stood at the head of the literary movement. There breathed forth from Loti-s writings an all-penetrating fragrance of poesy, which liberated French literary ideals from the heavy and oppressive yoke of the Naturalistic school. Truth now soared on unhampered pinions, and the reading world was completely won by the unsurpassed intensity and faithful accuracy with which he depicted the alluring charms of far-off scenes, and painted the naive soul of the races that seem to endure in the isles of the Pacific as surviving representatives of the world-s infancy.
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