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2015-09-04 09:23:391 简介:伊索寓言-Aesop-s Fables(英文版)
伊索寓言-Aesop-s Fables(英文版):
Salter refurbishes 58 of Aesop-s fables with delicate flame-toned illustrations. Underscoring the timelessness and adaptability of the Greek storyteller-s work, the British artist borrows motifs and styles from a number of the so-called cradles of civilization. In her full-page illustrations, slightly flattened perspectives recall antiquity, while the use of serial borders and of floral and geometric patterns seem specifically Middle Eastern. A fox and a stork pose with with a black-figure vase suggestive of pre-classical Athens; other pictures incorporate architectural flourishes (various types of capitals or arches) that evoke the style of an entire period. Small, color images interspersed with the text echo the facing illustrations; for spreads without full-page art, Salter produces stately framed miniatures or, alternately, abstract decorations. While the stories themselves receive perfectly satisfactory treatment, the concluding morals, unnecessarily modified, can take on a fortune-cookie flavor ("you will often be judged by the company you keep"). The moral here: judge this book by its cover full of sumptuous art. Ages 6-up.
《伊索寓言》(Aesop’s Fables)作者伊索。相传其中故事是一名埃塞俄比亚黑人奴隶所作,“伊索”即是“埃塞俄”的谐音。从作品来看,时间跨度大,各篇的倾向也不完全一样,据推测,它不是一人一时之作,可以看作是古希腊人在相当长的历史时期内的集体创作。伊索,可能是其中的一位重要作者。
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