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2015-08-29 10:06:461 简介:English Traits-英国人的特性
English Traits-英国人的特性:
这是我第二次来到英国。 1833年,在我返回从西西里岛,意大利和法国的短途旅行中,我穿越布洛涅,降落在了伦敦的塔楼梯。这是一个昏暗的星期天的早上;大街上有寥寥几个人。
I have been twice in England. In 1833, on my return from a short tour in Sicily, Italy, and France, I crossed from Boulogne, and landed in London at the Tower stairs. It was a dark Sunday morning; there were few people in the streets; and I remember the pleasure of that first walk on English ground, with my companion, an American artist, from the Tower up through Cheapside and the Strand, to a house in Russell Square, whither we had been recommended to good chambers. For the first time for many months we were forced to check the saucy habit of travellers’ criticism, as we could no longer speak aloud in the streets without being understood. The shop-signs spoke our language; our country names were on the door-plates; and the public and private buildings wore a more native and wonted front.
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