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波多贝罗女巫-The Witch of Portobello(英文版)

书籍大小:407.33 KB
书籍类型:生活时尚 - 文学经典
发布时间:2015-09-04 09:25:22
狗狗下载:小说书籍《波多贝罗女巫-The Witch of Portobello(英文版)》狗狗下载

波多贝罗女巫-The Witch of Portobello(英文版):
The Witch of Portobello is a fiction work by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho published in 2007, about a woman born in Transylvania to a Romani mother, who is orphaned and later adopted by a wealthy Lebanese couple.
As the book begins, Athena is dead. How she ended up that way creates the intrigue sustaining the book. The child, Sherine Khalil renames herself Athena. As a child, she shows a strong religious vocation and reports seeing angels and saints, which both impresses and worries her parents.
She grows into a woman in search of answers to many questions that arise within a person. She has a contented life but her mind is not at ease. So she sets out to find answers to the classical question of "Who am I?" through many experiences. In her quest, she opens her heart to intoxicating powers and becomes a controversial spiritual leader in London.
The Witch of Portobello knows all. But the best way of knowing the meaning of life is by learning from one-s student. A teacher can only make us aware of our capabilities but finding the right path is up to the student. There are many ways to achieve happiness by being close to the Mother.

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