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The Celtic Twilight-凯尔特的薄暮(英文版)

书籍大小:207.9 KB
书籍类型:生活时尚 - 文学经典
发布时间:2015-09-27 23:21:36
狗狗下载:小说书籍《The Celtic Twilight-凯尔特的薄暮(英文版)》狗狗下载

The Celtic Twilight-凯尔特的薄暮(英文版):
This book.-A teller of tales.-Belief and unbelief.-Mortal help.-A visionary.-Village ghosts.-Dust hath closed Helen-s eye.--A knight of the sheep.-An enduring heart.-The sorcerers.-The devil.-Happy and unhappy theologians.-The last gleeman.-Regina, regina pigmeorum, veni.-And fair, fierce women.--Enchanted woods.-Miraculous creatures.-Aristotle of the books.-The swine of the gods.-A voice.-Kidnappers.-The untiring ones.-Earth, fire and water.-The old town.-The man and his boots.-A coward.-The three O-Byrnes and the evil faeries.-Drumcliff and Rosses.-The thick skull of the fortunate.-The religion of a sailor.-Concerning the nearness together of heaven, earth, and purgatory.-The eaters of precious stones.-Our Lady of the hills.-The golden age.-A remonstrance with Scotsmen for having soured the disposition of their ghosts and faeries.-War.-The queen and the fool.-The friends of the people of faery.-Dreams that have no moral.-By the roadside.-Into the twilight

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