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男孩凯什-The Cash Boy

书籍大小:153.95 KB
书籍类型:生活时尚 - 文学经典
书籍作者:[美]Horatio Alger, Jr.
发布时间:2015-10-02 08:32:18
狗狗下载:小说书籍《男孩凯什-The Cash Boy》狗狗下载

男孩凯什-The Cash Boy:
字    数:127207
版    次:1
      ``The Cash Boy,-- by Horatio Alger, Jr., as the nameimplies, is a story about a boy and for boys.
  Through some conspiracy, the hero of the storywhen a baby, was taken from his relatives andgiven into the care of a kind woman.
  Not knowing his name, she gave him her husband-sname, Frank Fowler. She had one littledaughter, Grace, and showing no partiality in thetreatment of her children, Frank never suspectedthat she was not his sister. However, at the deathof Mrs. Fowler, all this was related to Frank.
  The children were left alone in the world. Itseemed as though they would have to go to thepoorhouse but Frank could not become reconciled to that.
  A kind neighbor agreed to care for Grace, soFrank decided to start out in the world to makehis way.
  He had many disappointments and hardships, butthrough his kindness to an old man, his own relativesand right name were revealed to him.

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