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Flush: a biography-罗杰·弗莱传记(英文版)

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书籍类型:生活时尚 - 文学经典
发布时间:2015-10-17 17:13:27
狗狗下载:小说书籍《Flush: a biography-罗杰·弗莱传记(英文版)》狗狗下载

Flush: a biography-罗杰·弗莱传记(英文版):
       Flush: a biography, by Virginia Woolf
  Chapter One
  Three Mile Cross
  It is universally admitted that the family from which the subject of this memoir claims descent is one of the greatest antiquity. Therefore it is not strange that the origin of the name itself is lost in obscurity. Many million years ago the country which is now called Spain seethed uneasily in the ferment of creation. Ages passed; vegetation appeared; where there is vegetation the law of Nature has decreed that there shall be rabbits; where there are rabbits, Providence has ordained there shall be dogs. There is nothing in this that calls for question, or comment. But when we ask why the dog that caught the rabbit was called a Spaniel, then doubts and difficulties begin. Some historians say that when the Carthaginians landed in Spain the common soldiers shouted with one accord “Span! Span!”— for rabbits darted from every scrub, from every bush. The land was alive with rabbits. And Span in the Carthaginian tongue signifies Rabbit. Thus the land was called Hispania, or Rabbit-land, and the dogs, which were almost instantly perceived in full pursuit of the rabbits, were called Spaniels or rabbit dogs.

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