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Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip In 14 Days (2nd)

书籍类型:管理教育 - 计算机类
书籍作者:Tim Parker
发布时间:2009-12-24 07:44:08
狗狗下载:小说书籍《Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip In 14 Days (2nd)》狗狗下载

As you might imagine, Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days provides a rapid introduction to the TCP/IP protocols and to a few commonly used applications that are built on top of them. The discussion is very lucid and emphasizes the fundamental concepts behind a given protocol; it does a good job of not letting the mass of details obscure the reasoning. Each section ends with a quiz and series of questions (and answers), so you can test your knowledge of each topic. The book also includes useful sections on sample installations and a nice discussion of sockets. As an added bonus, the book's appendix contains an index that maps an application and/or a protocol to the appropriate RFC (Request for Comments) document.

Sams Pub.
TCP/IP is crucial for network administrators and other information professionals. With this easy-to-understand, 14-day tutorial, users get an overview of TCP/IP, learning the basics from the ground up. "Teaches readers the fundamentals of TCP/IP. Uses a variety of teaching elements, including examples, syntax boxes, daily lessons, and review sections. Includes information on the software". Covers TCP/IP. 

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