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2018-02-08 09:45:281 简介:Salamander:Tome Of Fire(科幻战争)
Salamander:Tome Of Fire(科幻战争):
Synopsis (英文书籍文案)
A unit of Space Marines (genetically enhanced soldiers) called the Salamanders, which due to some genetic oddities have glowing red eyes. It starts out with a
tragedy, an ambush and the death of the unit-s captain. The main character is somewhat responsible for the ambush and is left with inner turmoil. The primary
antagonist within the group resents him for that and also for his underprivileged roots. There-s also internal strife in the unit as certain elements vie for power.
It-s all a little cliched, but it still works and I did really appreciate that the semi-villain within the group is a little deeper than just trying to grab power
for power-s sake; he has is own demons. The machinations of his assistant pushes the plot ahead in interesting ways, but I felt they rely a bit too much on happy
coincidences at times.
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