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2015-10-12 07:23:541 简介:The Life of Charlotte Bronte-夏洛蒂·勃朗特传(英文版)
The Life of Charlotte Bronte-夏洛蒂·勃朗特传(英文版):
Elizabeth Gaskell-s biography of her close friend Charlotte Bronte was published in 1857 to immediate popular acclaim, and remains the most significant study of the enigmatic author who gave Jane Eyre the subtitle "An Autobiography". It recounts Charlotte Bronte-s life from her isolated childhood, through her years as a writer who had -foreseen the single life- for herself, to her marriage at thirty-eight and death less than a year later. The resulting work n the first full-length biography of a woman novelist by a woman novelist n explored the nature of Charlotte-s genius and almost single-handedly created the Bronte myth.
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