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A Thief in the Night

书籍大小:336.02 KB
书籍类型:生活时尚 - 文学经典
书籍作者:[英]Ernest William Hornung
发布时间:2015-08-24 12:15:42
狗狗下载:小说书籍《A Thief in the Night》狗狗下载

A Thief in the Night:
A Thief in the Night is a 1905 collection of short stories by Ernest William Hornung, featuring his popular character A. J. Raffles. It was the third book in the series, and the final collection of short stories. In it, Raffles, a gentleman thief, commits a number of burglaries in late Victorian England.
Hornung originally intended this to be the final appearance of Raffles. In the final story, Raffles is killed during the Second Boer War and Manders returns to England badly wounded. Hornung hoped this would be a fitting end for his hero. Popular demand, however, led to him writing a full-length Raffles novel, Mr. Justice Raffles, in 1909. It was set before the Boer War, with Raffles in his heyday as a gentlemen thief.

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