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书籍类型:生活时尚 - 社科经管
发布时间:2015-10-07 09:13:54

英语高级听力: Lesson One
   Secdon One: News in Brief
   1. Freed American hostage, David Jacobsen, appealed today for the release of the remaining captives in Lebanon, saying, "Those guys are in hell and we-ve got to get them home." Jacobsen made his remarks as he arrived at Wiesbaden, West Germany, accompanied by Anglican Church envoy, Terry Waite, who worked to gain his release.  And Waite says his efforts will continue.  Jacobsen had a checkup at the air force hospital in Wiesbaden.  And hospital director, Colonel Charles Moffitt says he is doing well.  "Although Mr. Jacobsen is tired, our initial impression is that he is physically in very good condition.  It also seems that he has dealt with the stresses
of his captivity extremely well." Although Jacobsen criticized the US government-s handling of the hostage situation in a videotape made during his captivity, today he thanked the Reagan Administration and said he was darn proud to be an American.  The Reagan Administration had little to say today about the release of Jacobsen or the likelihood that other hostages may be freed.  Boarding Air Force One in Las Vegas, the President said, "There-s no way to tell right now.  We-ve been working on that.  We-ve had heart-breaking disap pointments."
   2. Mr. Reagan was in Las Vegas campaigning for Republican candidate, Jim Santini, who is running behind Democrat, Harry Ree .
   3. In Mozambique today a new president was chosen to replace Samora Machel who died in a plane crash two weeks ago.  NPR-s John Madison reports: "The choice of the 130-member Central Committee of the ruling FRELIMO Party was announced on Mozamlique radio this evening.  He is Joaquim, Chissano, Mozambique-s Foreign Minister, No. 3 in the Party.  Chissano, who is forty-seven, was Prime Minister of the nine-month transitional government that preceded independence from Portugal in 1975.  He negotiated the transfer of power with Portugal.


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